Something I Said I Would Not Do

Prior to retiring I spent a lot of pennies getting radios, HTs and antennae. The biggest bag of pennies went towards my Yaesu FTdx101MP. I was done with the big purchases; my rationale was that I would get all the equipment I would want prior to retirement. In this manner there would be no further big expenses in retirement.

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

– Robert Burns, 1785

As a ham radio aficionado, I often peruse YouTube for content made by others with my same affliction. Some of these folks include Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL, Aaron Bowman W4ARB, Ed Bennet W4EMB, Lidiette LaCalle KQ3Q. This abbreviated list of POTA activators, in my opinion, goes from the most experienced “personalities”, to the newest among us sharing their experiences.

As a group, we hams love to share what we’ve done, what we have, how we did things, what we built or made, the DX contacts we made, our amps, keys, and our QRP prowess ad nauseum. When you think about it, we share our nuggets of knowledge so new members of our community have many on-ramps to help them into their new hobby. Of course, this could be a little overwhelming.

You can find a lot of this advice online as these hams document their experiences. One of the things I noticed, however, was this friendly dichotomy between QRP and QRO. There are those, of course, who are firmly rooted on one side of the “QR” line. Let me tell you, as far as I am concerned, it is wonderful to know that I have a 200W rig with 600W backing it up if needed. As for my POTA kit, my Yaesu FT-891 radio has 100W max, of which I normally use 50W.

In my ham radio YouTube adventures, I came across Cliff Batson N4CCB, from QRP School, who very rationally and logically explains why QRP works. I saw his first video on the subject three years ago before I spent many pennies on my pre-retirement acquisitions. Understanding what he said, I still pulled the trigger on the radio, automatic tuner, and an amp. I was under no illusions that I was going to send lightning bolts across the world. There is, however, a time and place for their use. In fact, most of my contacts in the last two years have been using 75 Watts.

I kept watching Thomas K4SWL and others, including other fellow members of the Long Island CW Club, make wonderful POTA activations all the while taking casual sips of power from their batteries. Well, hells bells, I was beginning to get more interested.

My interest finally pulled me over the line when, on October 3rd of 2023, I lost my resolve. Being a patriotic fellow, I was going to look for a highly portable, all-round, lightweight, American made kit that is held in high esteem. Seventeen weeks after placing my order, I passed another bag of pennies to Elecraft. Yes, I bought a KX3 and received it today, Thursday, February 1, 2024.

My KX3 is kitted out with all the possible add-ons, minus the 2M module. Additionally, I also got the AX-1 antenna with the 40M extension and a tripod adapter. This will form my second POTA kit, complete with an added Chameleon Light End-Fed wire antenna that I already have. There are a few more bits and bobs, as my cross-pond operators would say, before I am ready to operate my new radio. There is also a throurough review of the radio to get used to the buttons and knobs, and of course, the excitement of learning to operate my new radio. Already on its way, are the side rails and cover to protect my new investment.

I am looking forward to entering into and joining my fellow hams in the QRP community. Although I did not use the “never” word, I did end up doing what I said I would not do.

Go figure.

5 responses to “Something I Said I Would Not Do”
  1. Milton Avatar

    My new friend Savi…Your new KX gear is very good! I have a few different QRP radio’s but I really can’t say that the bug has bitten me yet.
    On the quadrupling of power to get “one S-Unit”?
    When I look at how easy it is to lose a dB, and how very hard it is to gain a dB, I’ll go with QRO.
    After all, we’re talking about POTA, and is 10 watts vs 50 > 100 watts really an issue?
    I feel just as challenged at a “POTA-QRO” of 50 watts as many feel about 2 – 10 watts.
    Me? I think it’s more about the antenna and the actual ERP.
    It’s all good and I think we’re all aimed in the same direction.

  2. Randy KO4WTM Avatar
    Randy KO4WTM

    Good going for taking the QRP lane but that Elecraft is one helluva pricey lane to pull into. I decided on a less costly option for CW & digital with a QRP-Labs QMX (80-20) and the addition of a ZM-2 manual tuner. Admittedly, it’s all much more ‘hands-on’ operationally and not as complete as your Kx3 but the considerable savings keeps my better half from becoming a bitter half!

  3. Don Z Avatar
    Don Z

    Good for you, my friend! I think if I brought in another radio my YL would not be happy. I already have one she is not aware of (yet.) I realize it is only a matter of time!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Greg Avatar

    Congratulations, one of the KX line is on my list of To Get radios. Looking forward to reading how you decided between the KX3 vs KX2

    1. Savi W1SAV Avatar
      Savi W1SAV

      I saved my pennies here too. I try to get the best I can when doing these purchases. The KX3 is more expandable than the KX2, and I am not doing SOTA (unless I can drive to it). That said, since I carry all equipment in my car or Wrangler, The weight, although small, is not an issue. Additionally, the larger form allows for easier manipulation of the radio controls since they are anot as stacked.

      Thanks, Greg.

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